I can use templates created for me I can use hyperlinks. Just choose the template that matches your thought and replace the sample text with your own text. There are several benefits to using PowerPoint games in the classroom. We urge you to browse through our exhaustive collection of premium All Inclusive PowerPoint charts and diagram templates collection. SlideEgg offers you 100 editable free PowerPoint templates which enhance your experience in presentation. If you are a busy presenter, you can’t afford to spend such inordinate amounts of time for a task that can easily be done by using off the shelf solutions. Best Free Powerpoint Templates For Your Presentation. Choose and download Hyperlink PowerPoint templates, and Hyperlink PowerPoint Backgrounds in just a few minutes. We’ve seen cases where presenters spend hours polishing their graphics and slides to make the right impression. Right-click on an object, select Link, then from the resulting menu tick Hyperlink, then from the drop-down box select Slide. Download Free and Premium Hyperlink PowerPoint Templates. In any presentation, the part that takes the most time is not ‘content writing’ but developing high quality graphics and diagrams that go with the presentation. Thus you can create an interesting interactive presentation for Kiosks using PowerPoint.

You can also add a button that links to ‘Home slide’ on every slide in case the viewer wants to see other options at any time.

Remember to add a Return to HOME button at the end of the section and link it back to the Title slide.